Flat Earth Hits the Streets of SLC

Flat Earth Hits the Streets of SLC

By Kat Kanning on Monday, September 3 2018, 21:42

Russell and I went out with a sign and talked to people about flat earth,

Lots of people were willing to give their opinion on the matter of "Is the earth flat or a globe?" 46 said globe, 5 flat (including Russell and I), 1 on the fence, 1 said it is 24-sided or like a soccer ball, 1 said it should not be questioned, 1 donut shaped. The last 3 didn't seem serious. 3 people seemed to consider the idea. Some people heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. One lady wanted a photo because her brother in Colorado was a flat earther.

It was a good day. We had fun talking to people, even if some wanted to make fun of us.

We counted up our losses at Apollo Burger and had 2 more people laugh at us.

I think FlatEarthers get laughed at more than the BananaMan.