The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth, He who calls for the waters of the sea And pours them out on the face of the earth, The LORD is His name. --Amos 9:6

Flat Earth Evangelism at Auburn University

 After Skyfall 2018 conference, we went out with a group of people to talk to people about flat earth. Before we even got there, a young man stopped us and said, "I believe the earth is a globe. Convince me otherwise. Go." So we talked to him and his group for a while. He looked rather concerned, like 'oh my, this is making sense.' They had to go, so we left him with a card to look us up.


Flat Earth or Globe survey results for September 9th in SLC

Kat and I stood on a street corner again and asked some of the people passing by "Do you think the earth is flat or a globe?". 


We had many good conversations with homeless people. But sometimes the demons inside them get really angry with us.


Some people pass by and are amused by our sign. Some find it annoying. One guy yelled from his car that I was a moron and I was making people stupid by asking this question.


Flat Earth Hits the Streets of SLC

By Kat Kanning on Monday, September 3 2018, 21:42

Russell and I went out with a sign and talked to people about flat earth,

Lots of people were willing to give their opinion on the matter of "Is the earth flat or a globe?" 46 said globe, 5 flat (including Russell and I), 1 on the fence, 1 said it is 24-sided or like a soccer ball, 1 said it should not be questioned, 1 donut shaped. The last 3 didn't seem serious. 3 people seemed to consider the idea. Some people heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. One lady wanted a photo because her brother in Colorado was a flat earther.

Flat Earth International Conference 2018 Canada

By Russell Kanning on Wednesday, August 22 2018, 23:36 

I was not able to attend this conference, but I am enjoying some of the video content that has been uploaded to youtube.

Here is a copy of the 1st Session

Robbie Davidson introduces the conference and explains his families struggles at 2 local churches because of his views on Flat Earth (1-17min)

I have heard a couple of other stories regarding the resistance that you receive, once they realize that you believe in Geocentrism and a Flat Earth.

The Flat Earth Podcast

By Russell Kanning on Friday, July 27 2018, 02:06 

The Flat Earth Podcast is my favorite flatearth podcast. :)

Here is an interesting page of artwork including a nice pdf of flat earth images.



katkanning Wed, 06/14/2023 - 16:25